
Showing posts from August, 2020
     It’s said that people who think they know it all really aggravate those of us who do! Sometimes I tell people that between me and my brother we know it all. When they ask me a question that I don’t know I simply say, that’s one my brother knows.      We like to think we are clever, quick witted, funny, and sarcastic. For some of us it is a gift! Today we simply ask google, Alexa, or Siri if we need to know something. Of course there are questions that technology simply doesn’t have the answers for. There is One to whom we can turn to for answers.      The first step is to recognize that we don’t have all the answers. Often that comes with maturity. We start to realize as we grow older that there is so much we just don’t know. This realization brings humility and a hunger to continue learning each day. As followers of Jesus we learn to lean on his word, his wisdom, and trust his leading.      True wisdom starts when we seek...
     We are better together. Many hands make the work light. As a Christ follower I am part of the body of Christ, His Church. There are so many varied and beautiful expressions of that body found all over the globe in local congregations.      As part of a local expression of the body of Christ I have a responsibility to every other part of that local body of believers. We get together regularly to lift each other up, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, to weep with those who are hurting, and to give aid when we become aware of a need.      We join forces to impact our surrounding community with the love of Jesus demonstrated in good works. While we each can do something by ourselves, and we should, so much more is accomplished when we do it together. The answer our world is aching for is found right in our local communities in the form of a local church.      Together we are the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. T...
     Not everyone is a generous giver. We are, by nature born takers. Children must be taught to share. One of their first words is “mine!” As we grow we begin to understand that sharing is a wonderful idea especially when we are on the receiving end. Even as adults we may still have times when it is difficult to share our hard earned money with those whose only occupation is seeking a handout.      All of us will face hardship of one kind or another. Some are inflicted by nature like fires, floods, and hurricanes. Others are wrought by the economy or a pandemic. Some difficulties come by way of health issues. Still others are self inflicted. Regardless of the cause when someone gives of their time, talent, and treasure we are usually humbled by such an act of kindness.      Our first thought is that somehow I must repay this kindness. Often we simply cannot do so when faced with overwhelming generosity. The best we can often do is somehow pa...
     I love Hawaiian shirts! I have quite a few. They make me feel like I’m on vacation all the time. I’ve been to Hawaii and whenever I wear a Hawaiian shirt it brings back those wonderful memories of being calm and at ease.      I think most of us have certain favorite articles of clothing. We also have clothes for different activities. We have clothes for painting, working on the car, carpentry work, office attire, and of course vacation clothes. It’s strange how certain clothing affects us.      It often determines our mood, our attitudes, even our thinking. As Christ followers we are encouraged to “dress” appropriately. First we take off the old things, like lying, stealing, cheating, foul language, and stinking thinking. Then we put on the new clothing of the Spirit, like kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, etc.      How you decide to dress today will affect your whole mood. How you dress wi...
     The level of anger is at an all time high. People are angry about everything and nothing! The noise has risen to a crescendo drowning out all reason. Sometimes it feels as if we are in a game show to see who can make the most noise. We hide behind the idea that we have a right to our opinion and bless God you’re gonna hear it whether you like it or not. Even if it means we have to yell a little louder for those in the back!      And so it goes that one side screams and the other side responds in kind. No minds being changed. Just everybody getting angrier until we are no longer having a healthy debate but merely a shouting match. In these crazy times a soft answer, a kind response really stands out. People don’t know how to respond to a kind word.      An angry customer can quickly change their attitude when they are met with a humble, apologetic word. When we take a moment to look beyond the noise we see hurts, pain, unforgiveness, feel...
     Many of us as kids wished that we could be invisible. It would be so much fun. Then we grew up and our true nature began to surface. We wanted to be the exact opposite of invisible. We wanted to be famous. We wanted to have name recognition. We wanted people to instantly know who we were.      Popularity meant worth, wealth, influence, likability. The disciples of Jesus were no different. James and John asked for positions of power in Christ’s kingdom. The others were indignant probably because they didn’t have the gumption to ask.      Jesus didn’t rebuke them but instead told them how to achieve their goal: become a servant. It’s not what they wanted to hear. The servant was a nobody. They had no rights or privileges. They had no wealth or influence. The best way to be a great servant was to not be noticed at all. Wash your masters hands and feet. Bring your master his food. Wait on your master for every whim. Do it all without complai...
     There is something special about being invited for dinner especially when someone else is picking up the tab! Now imagine if the owner of the restaurant said you were welcome to come whenever you wanted, dine to your hearts content and you would never have to pay! Game changer! Your life would be different.      At first you would probably go slow going once a week just to test it out, see if it’s true. Then maybe you would go a couple times a week until you get comfortable enjoying the amazing food and drink! Each time the owner comes out to greet you and is genuinely delighted that you have taken him up on his offer. You begin to feel like part of his family. You begin to relax and enjoy yourself. You start to walk a little straighter because you feel very special.      Now each time you go you look forward not to the free meal but to the owners delight as he comes to greet and embrace you like a dear old friend. You relish in his embr...
     Exclusivity. We love being able to get in on the exclusive deal. We enjoy having a one-of-a-kind item in our possession. The worlds most beautiful and most expensive art is usually an exclusive, meaning there is only one. Van Gogh, Michaelangelo, and other masters painted beautiful works of art that are now considered priceless.      Our Heavenly Father also created a unique masterpiece. After an amazing creation of mountains, rivers, shorelines, and other breathtaking vistas he then fashioned the pinnacle of his creation: mankind. You are unique, specially created and designed by a loving Heavenly Father. To him you are the apple of his eye. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.      Every intricate part and detail down to the microscopic level was lovingly, and painstakingly made. You are an exclusive work of art and love. It makes total sense that he would also make only one exclusive way for our redemption from our fallen nature. T...
     There are different types of learners. I learn best when I see it done and I’m shown how. I’m a hands on type of learner and I like to get right in there and figure it out as I go along. Not sure if there is a right way to learn as much as there is a right way for me. Each of us will go about it differently.      When it comes to learning the Christian Faith we have the best example of how to live it out in Jesus Christ. Each of us will do it differently. We will each focus on those areas where we tend to be more gifted. In other words we often take the path of least resistance. Nothing wrong with that as I see it as long as you are growing in your faith.      Sometimes the biggest growth spurt comes when we focus on overcoming a weakness. It takes longer. It requires more of us. It can be demanding and at times even brutal. The reward is greater when the battle is the fiercest. No matter where you are today in your walk with the Lord do...
     In order to safely and with any sort of confidence walk in dark places you must allow time for your eyes to become accustomed to the darkness. It is so much easier to walk when the path is well lit. Light offers safety, security, and confidence. Our steps are sure. Our minds are at ease. The best way to walk down dark streets is by holding on to the hand of someone who knows the way and has a very bright light!      Jesus came into our dark, scary world to bring us a light and to show us the way. Once we have discovered his amazing light of love and forgiveness we are told to go back into the darkness with our light and start leading the others out of that darkness. We remember how awful and painful it was living in that foul blackness, stumbling along trying to find our way.      We remember the fear, the hopelessness, the anxiety and trepidation. We remember feeling alone, abandoned, and forgotten. We also remember the day we saw someo...
     Not many enjoy being tested. Yet we are always being put to the test. In early childhood our knowledge of numbers, letters, colors, and shapes is tested. In high school our knowledge of algebra, English literature, science, and geography are tested.      In college the testing continues and when we have finally finished testing hopefully we have a degree to show for it. Then comes love, marriage, children, extended family, and we realize that the testing never stopped it just mutated to other things. Add in sickness, disease, accidents, drama, and it can seem unending! Now we are told to be glad for trouble because it is the school of hard knocks where our character is being formed.      Trouble hardly seems anything to be happy about. Our usual response to trouble is to cry out for sweet release or escape. It turns out that we can draw closer to God during those difficulties because he just happens to be there waiting to encourage, embr...
     God is love. So it seems weird to say that he is also a God of battle. Nothing gets my blood boiling faster than someone dissing my wife or kids. The lion in me will rage with severity against any who hurt my family but other than that I’m pretty mild mannered. God battles on our behalf because of his great love for us. He fights for us.      He goes to war to push back any credible threat that arises against us. He is my defender. He is my strong shield. He is for me. He is my tower of refuge. Nothing will get God moving faster to a struggle than when his children cry out for aid. I am encouraged knowing he loves me.      I am humbled knowing he likes me. I am overwhelmed seeing he delights in me. I am moved to tears knowing my daddy God sings over me. I am filled with awe and wonder when I know he dances and rejoices when I am triumphant. To know a God who celebrates over me is too wonderful for words.      Be careful no...
     I am a task oriented individual. I love getting stuff done. Often I have lists that I check off when tasks are completed. It’s very satisfying when the list is completed. There are those times when I will start a new list with something that didn’t quite get accomplished from the previous list.      When it comes to the practice of our faith we never finish. It is an ongoing task to live out our faith every day. Everyday we begin with our time of devotions, which include bible reading, prayer, reading a short passage from a devotional book, and worship. We continue in an attitude of prayer and worship throughout the day. Then depending on what life throws our way we act out our faith by walking in forgiveness, mercy, grace, peace, and love as the need requires.      Personally I have one goal in my everyday life. I want people to be able to see my Father’s love through me. I don’t always get it right but I don’t stop trying. It’s a lifel...
     Walking in the Spirit sounds so mystical and ethereal. In reality it is simply learning to obey God’s Word on a daily basis. It sounds pretty easy but that’s where the problem comes in because our very nature wants to do its own thing and go it’s own way. We are fiercely independent, headstrong, strong willed, and most importantly self destructive.      After having lost weight, exercising, eating right, and feeling great I was terribly disappointed to hear the Doctor tell me my numbers weren’t too good. My heart sank at those words and then she said, “It’s in your genes.” In the same way we can do all the right things but there is something deep inside each one of us that can only be transformed by the Spirit of God. It’s a game changer.      I’m learning to rely and rest on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me daily. I’m less concerned that He is with me than I am with making sure I’m following His lead. I want to walk where He leads. ...
     Knowing that someone is watching your every move sounds a bit Orwellian. However, the idea that a loving Heavenly Father cares about us and is watching over us takes on a whole new meaning. He isn’t clutching lightning bolts just waiting for you to screw things up so he can pounce. If that were true most of us would be toast right now.      I take great delight in knowing that he sees my every step and is also guiding and directing in the right path. When I start to go off course he gently nudges in the right direction. If I stray too far he lovingly disciplines in order to guide back to the way that leads to life! When I joyfully walk in the way he has prepared he takes great delight in showering me with favor, mercy, grace, love, peace, and so much more.      I especially love it when he surprises me with unexpected favor simply because he loves me. I am so thankful that he is watching over me every day. I wouldn’t want to have it any ...
     Worry is such a weird thing because it plays out all the “what if” scenarios oftentimes focusing on the negative outcomes. Those scenarios can actually paralyze you into indecision. Fear can easily take hold of our hearts and minds. We can even spend restless nights, lose sleep, and eventually become miserable thinking about all that could go wrong.      There is a balance between planning for the future and becoming anxious over it. Whenever I start to feel a little overwhelmed I simply bring my thoughts back to what I need to accomplish today. By focusing just on today I take my week and make it manageable. Life is what happens while we are planning something else. Tomorrow doesn’t always go exactly like I thought it would anyway. So today I have decided to simply trust God.      I rest in him for my food for today. I trust him knowing I have clothes to wear today. I am at ease knowing I have a nice bed and a cool home to lay my head t...
     Peace through superior firepower is a military axiom. Christ’s kingdom is an upside down kingdom so he taught his disciples that to be the greatest one had to be the servant of all. While the absence of war can certainly give us peace it can never produce true lasting peace because we will always be anxious about losing that position of military superiority.      Our inner peace is a result of being in right relationship with God and others. Regardless of what turmoil rages all around us we are able to remain at peace because we know the Prince of Peace. This world is not all there is. Evil will not always prevail. Darkness will not forever shroud us in fear. We are able to lift up our voices in worship.      We can sing with thankfulness. We can pray with certainty. We can love without expectation. The price for our peace was paid on a Roman cross. Blood was spilled for our release. We can now make room for the peace of Christ to rule i...
     In a world where everything is constantly changing we can begin to wonder if anything is truly stable and unshakable. Is there something that is unmoving? Is there anything that has a strong and sure foundation?      Things that we once thought were safe, steady, and dependable can come crashing down in a moment without warning. Money, health, friends, even family can crumble when we least expect it. You may even experience a crisis of faith. The good news is that there is one who inmutable, unchanging, and unshakable.      He is never taken aback or surprised by our unstable lives. Instead he gives us something to stand on when everything else is falling apart, namely his love. It is unconditional. It is overwhelming. It is unmistakable. It far surpasses any earthly treasure.      When all else is turning to dust his love is sure and steadfast. You can securely build your life on his love. It is eternal. He loves you with...
     Chances are pretty good that if you do good to someone you usually get good in return. If you harm someone you usually get the same in return. We are called upon by Christ to always do good to others. Treat others the way you want to be treated.      Sadly we are living in evil times when instead of receiving good for good many are getting evil for good. When Jesus calls his followers to do good he gives no guarantee that good will be repaid. Do good anyway. Our Heavenly Father sees us and in due time he will reward the good we have done.      He knows our motives and sees our hearts. When we suffer for doing good we leave the matter in God’s hands. To love is to remain vulnerable. We don’t do good to get good. We do good because it’s the right thing to do. We do it because our Lord Jesus Christ told us to do so. His is an upside down kingdom. It doesn’t make sense in this life but it will in the next.
     It’s upside down! It’s counterintuitive! It just doesn’t make sense. Everything inside of me screams for a tit for tat response. Not only can I give as good as I get but better! Nothing will get my back up like someone insulting me or those I love! This is absolutely outside of my ability to do. That’s why I need Holy Ghost power living inside of me.      Not only will he give me the strength to not pay back insult for insult but rather he will give me words of kindness, gentleness, and self control to be able to respond in love. Gods kingdom is an upside down kingdom. To be a citizen then I must learn to live by kingdom rules. Basically do the opposite of what your natural mind tells you and do the kingdom thing instead.      Love your enemies. Pray for those who do you wrong. Respond with kindness when you are ill used. Do good to those who do you bad. Jesus taught that we can and will overcome evil with good. Love overcomes a multitud...
     Every commercial is a temptation, an enticement, a lure, to purchase a product or service. It’s the newest, better, car model. It’s the faster, lighter laptop or the quicker cheaper service guaranteed! Like all enticements they come with a promise of fulfillment, satisfaction, and peace of mind.      We convince ourselves, and at times our significant other, just how much we actually need it. How our lives would be bettered by it. Maybe even how we would save both time and money! The allurement to sin is much the same as a commercial. It tells us first how miserable we are without it. It tells how much better it will be once we have it. Like a politician it promises way more than it can ever deliver.      Truth be told sin is fun but only for a very short moment. Then comes the shame, the guilt, the sleepless nights, the thought of getting found out, the thought of trying to explain the why of it all. Then comes the blame game because it...
     Every commercial is a temptation, an enticement, a lure, to purchase a product or service. It’s the newest, better, car model. It’s the faster, lighter laptop or the quicker cheaper service guaranteed! Like all enticements they come with a promise of fulfillment, satisfaction, and peace of mind. We convince ourselves, and at times our significant other, just how much we actually need it. How our lives would be bettered by it. Maybe even how we would save both time and money!      The allurement to sin is much the same as a commercial. It tells us first how miserable we are without it. It tells how much better it will be once we have it. Like a politician it promises way more than it can ever deliver. Truth be told sin is fun but only for a very short moment. Then comes the shame, the guilt, the sleepless nights, the thought of getting found out, the thought of trying to explain the why of it all.      Then comes the blame game because it...
     Joy and peace are not words commonly used to describe our world. We see so much going on now that would rob us of what little joy and peace we may have. If your hope is in a political, military, judicial, congressional, or even a religious solution then you are in for a rude awakening. If you’re trying to find peace and joy in stuff I can tell you it is only very temporary until the newer, improved, faster, better, cheaper model comes out.      If you're trying to find peace and joy in that one special soul mate who will totally complete you and somehow make all your wildest dreams come true just look around you because the landscape of marital bliss is littered with broken and shattered dreams. Bottom line you and I were made to only find true lasting joy and peace in only one source.      When we place our trust in God through his son Jesus Christ then an avalanche of joy and peace come bursting forth from within us completely irregard...
     We tend to hide things for two reasons: it’s a treasure or we’re ashamed. At times I will hide a special treat or snack. Other times I hide a scar or failure. When we hide the treasure of God’s word deep in our hearts we end up with less shameful, hurtful, life draining things to hide away. I hide it in my heart when I read it, study it, cherish it, but most especially when I live it out in obedience.      It has the ability to go so deep as to make me question my motives behind my actions. It reveals things about myself that were unknown. It shakes me to the core so those things in my life that have no substance can fall away. Then with a tenderness quite welcome and surprising it gently begins to build me up inside with joy, peace, and love that is unshakable.      I begin to see with clarity how I have hurt others and my desire to refrain from ever doing so again begins to strengthen to a new resolve and all this by his indwelling Spi...
     We are not a product of a random explosion in the cosmos but the pinnacle, the masterpiece, the careful planning and design of a loving Heavenly Father. He was intentional, deliberate, and purposeful in creating us. Then he gave us of his very essence and breath and we became alive! We are his offspring, his children, the apple of his eye, his pride and joy.      He delights in us and sings over us. You are invaluable, priceless, worth dying for, and deeply loved. Just as the heart of a loving parent aches to spend time with their children so too your Heavenly Father’s heart yearns to be a part of your everyday life.      Ultimately you were created to be loved! Yes, you! Unconditional, inexplainable, unimaginable, everlasting love!