We are better together. Many hands make the work light. As a Christ follower I am part of the body of Christ, His Church. There are so many varied and beautiful expressions of that body found all over the globe in local congregations.
As part of a local expression of the body of Christ I have a responsibility to every other part of that local body of believers. We get together regularly to lift each other up, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, to weep with those who are hurting, and to give aid when we become aware of a need.
We join forces to impact our surrounding community with the love of Jesus demonstrated in good works. While we each can do something by ourselves, and we should, so much more is accomplished when we do it together. The answer our world is aching for is found right in our local communities in the form of a local church.
Together we are the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Together we are the salt and light of the world. Together we can bring about much needed change in a dark and hurting world.
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