Peace through superior firepower is a military axiom. Christ’s kingdom is an upside down kingdom so he taught his disciples that to be the greatest one had to be the servant of all. While the absence of war can certainly give us peace it can never produce true lasting peace because we will always be anxious about losing that position of military superiority.

    Our inner peace is a result of being in right relationship with God and others. Regardless of what turmoil rages all around us we are able to remain at peace because we know the Prince of Peace. This world is not all there is. Evil will not always prevail. Darkness will not forever shroud us in fear. We are able to lift up our voices in worship.

    We can sing with thankfulness. We can pray with certainty. We can love without expectation. The price for our peace was paid on a Roman cross. Blood was spilled for our release. We can now make room for the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts and minds and live a life of thankfulness for this amazing, indescribable peace transforms us from the inside out. My heart can now find rest in him.


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