Not many enjoy being tested. Yet we are always being put to the test. In early childhood our knowledge of numbers, letters, colors, and shapes is tested. In high school our knowledge of algebra, English literature, science, and geography are tested.

    In college the testing continues and when we have finally finished testing hopefully we have a degree to show for it. Then comes love, marriage, children, extended family, and we realize that the testing never stopped it just mutated to other things. Add in sickness, disease, accidents, drama, and it can seem unending! Now we are told to be glad for trouble because it is the school of hard knocks where our character is being formed.

    Trouble hardly seems anything to be happy about. Our usual response to trouble is to cry out for sweet release or escape. It turns out that we can draw closer to God during those difficulties because he just happens to be there waiting to encourage, embrace, and strengthen. The times that I have sensed God more clearly and felt his presence the nearest has always been right in the middle of my biggest maelstrom.

    The Psalmist said it best, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.” He is with you right there in the midst of the fire and the flood. It’s not until you come out of the testing that you realize what an amazing testimony you have.

    A story of God’s goodness, mercy, and love. You realize something else. You are stronger. You are more compassionate. You are more patient. You are more tender hearted. You are kinder, softer, more gentle. Love has come.


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