It’s upside down! It’s counterintuitive! It just doesn’t make sense. Everything inside of me screams for a tit for tat response. Not only can I give as good as I get but better! Nothing will get my back up like someone insulting me or those I love! This is absolutely outside of my ability to do. That’s why I need Holy Ghost power living inside of me.

    Not only will he give me the strength to not pay back insult for insult but rather he will give me words of kindness, gentleness, and self control to be able to respond in love. Gods kingdom is an upside down kingdom. To be a citizen then I must learn to live by kingdom rules. Basically do the opposite of what your natural mind tells you and do the kingdom thing instead.

    Love your enemies. Pray for those who do you wrong. Respond with kindness when you are ill used. Do good to those who do you bad. Jesus taught that we can and will overcome evil with good. Love overcomes a multitude of wrongs. Our aim is not to give tit for tat but to see the other person inwardly transformed by God’s power being lived out in us. It is absolutely hard but with God nothing is impossible.


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