In a world where everything is constantly changing we can begin to wonder if anything is truly stable and unshakable. Is there something that is unmoving? Is there anything that has a strong and sure foundation?

    Things that we once thought were safe, steady, and dependable can come crashing down in a moment without warning. Money, health, friends, even family can crumble when we least expect it. You may even experience a crisis of faith. The good news is that there is one who inmutable, unchanging, and unshakable.

    He is never taken aback or surprised by our unstable lives. Instead he gives us something to stand on when everything else is falling apart, namely his love. It is unconditional. It is overwhelming. It is unmistakable. It far surpasses any earthly treasure.

    When all else is turning to dust his love is sure and steadfast. You can securely build your life on his love. It is eternal. He loves you with an undying love. It’s the one thing we can hold on to that will never disappoint.


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