Chances are pretty good that if you do good to someone you usually get good in return. If you harm someone you usually get the same in return. We are called upon by Christ to always do good to others. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    Sadly we are living in evil times when instead of receiving good for good many are getting evil for good. When Jesus calls his followers to do good he gives no guarantee that good will be repaid. Do good anyway. Our Heavenly Father sees us and in due time he will reward the good we have done.

    He knows our motives and sees our hearts. When we suffer for doing good we leave the matter in God’s hands. To love is to remain vulnerable. We don’t do good to get good. We do good because it’s the right thing to do. We do it because our Lord Jesus Christ told us to do so. His is an upside down kingdom. It doesn’t make sense in this life but it will in the next.


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