
I made some chocolate chip cookies the other day and they were all flat and horrible. I’ve made chocolate chip cookies before many times so why the catastrophic failure this time? I thought I knew how to do it so I didn’t read the directions and just winged it. I had all the right ingredients in all the right proportions and even baked them at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes until golden brown. It turns out I missed a step in the preparations and ended up with my chocolate chip cookie craving unsatisfied. Directions. We sometimes don’t like to follow directions because we think we know better or maybe we think we can make it better by adding or omitting a few steps in the process. Like when we put something together from IKEA and we have a few spare parts leftover. Or we throw out the packaging and then go dig it out of the trash several times because we forgot something in the instructions. Life is too precious to leave it to chance. Especially since we have a life instruction m...