Hope has come!
Most of us hope for a lot of things. We hope for a preferred future. We hope next year is better than this one was. We hope for certain outcomes. We hope the doctor gives us good news. We hope for reconciliation with an estranged family member. We hope we get that job. We hope our kids turn out ok. We hope our teams wins the championship.
Most of what we hope for depends entirely on the actions of others. Sometimes it depends on our actions alone. At times we’ve heard someone express a certain hope but because we know them well we think to ourselves, “What are the odds?” “They are better off playing cash five!” Lol.
One of the most difficult emotions we experience is hopelessness. When we’ve just given up having any hope at all because we’ve been so disappointed so many times before. We become jaded and skeptical.
The wonder and joy of Christmas is that hope has come! Jesus restored our hope in the promises of God and his word. We realize that he has not forgotten us. He knows our circumstances. He knows we are weak, feeble, and hopeless. He is hope personified. Jesus is the living Word of God and through him and his word our hope is rekindled.
We can wait patiently because we know from his word that he will not disappoint.
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