Flood and fire.
2020 has been quite an emotional roller coaster with the global pandemic and our national elections but it seems it has been more down than up at times. March seemed to on forever and now we are in December and quickly coming to the end of this year. Some have lost loved ones, jobs, income, and so much more. It has felt at times very overwhelming and even suffocating.
Some of our usual traditions have been cancelled or in some way drastically altered. Thanksgiving was different for so many and now Christmas will not be the same. Many suffer through loneliness and depression at the holidays but now even more.
We are collectively experiencing grief and loss. We feel as if we are going through an emotional flood or even a raging fire consuming all around us. These are all common emotions considering what we are going through. That knowledge that we aren’t going through it alone may help ease the tension or in some cases actually increase it.
Here’s the good news: you are not alone. The Lord himself is with you strengthening you and holding you close regardless if you feel it or not. Don’t trust your emotions right now. Trust God’s word. Even when you don’t see it or feel it he’s working on your behalf. The Lord will ride out the storms of life with you because he is in the habit of taking care of his children. 2020 came as no surprise to him and it has not cancelled his love for you. He is greater than whatever you are facing today. Trust him.
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