So grateful!
Life isn’t perfect. It never will be this side of heaven. Nevertheless there are so many things to give God thanks for. When we change our perspective and begin to look not at what we are missing but at what we actually have we will begin to see a new world of thanksgiving open up before us.
Do you have a roof over your head? Praise Him! Do you have food in the fridge? Thank Him! Do you have family that loves you? Give Him glory! Do you have a job? Do you have clothes to wear? Do you have a comfy bed to sleep in? Are you safe? Is there joy in your heart? Is there a song bubbling over inside of you? Do you have enough or even more than enough? Are you in relative good health? Do you have children and grandchildren or even great grandchildren?
If we have the things we need and we are able to share with those who don’t then we understand what being grateful is all about. A heart that is overflowing with thanksgiving can’t help but spread the bounty with others. Let your mouth overflow with praise! Let your heart sing His praises! May our praise be extravagant and may we pour it out lavishly upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his unconditional love for us. Is there anyone who will give thanks wholeheartedly today? I will give thanks with my whole heart!
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