Faith pleases God.
Faith pleases God. It’s that simple really. It means that I believe what he said. The Bible is his love letter to me. It tells me so much about him. It also reveals a lot about who I am according to him. Often what God says about himself and about us goes contrary to what the world around us says. Faith is choosing to believe God over all other voices out there including my own.
Faith says I trust God over my own feelings and emotions. Faith says I’m going to follow God’s ways and not my own because it pleases him. We hear so much nonsense today even from the religious world about how if we trust God everything will turn out all right but that is actually not what scripture teaches at all. Just read Hebrews chapter eleven and you’ll see many of the heroes of the faith were martyred for their witness. Some stoned to death, others sawn in half, some hung, some beheaded but they all had one thing in common. They had faith and it pleased God.
There are times when we will face backlash for how we believe. We see it happening more and more in our beloved America. Faith does indeed please God but it often infuriates those who hate truth. The Apostle Paul suffered much for sharing the gospel. He was stoned and left for dead. He was beaten 39 times with a rod on more than one occasion. He suffered hunger, prison, chains, shipwrecks and more. At the end he writes to his young apprentice Timothy that he had fought a good fight, he had finished his course, and he had kept the faith.
Faith pleases God. It means I choose to believe God and His Word over everything else. Even if it brings me persecution I still believe. Regardless of how things turn out I still believe. There is only one that I choose to please because of his great love for me. I please Him by simply believing in Him. Faith pleases God.
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