Ever have someone give you a non apology? You know what that is. It’s when someone says, “I’m so sorry you were offended by what I said.” It’s hilarious. There are so many ways to apologize but not apologize. If you’re still not sure just listen to some political jargon because for some reason politicians are extremely gifted in this area. They have ways of giving non answers and non apologies all the time. It’s their one universal strength.
Years ago the saying, “The devil made me do it!” was very popular even with t-shirts and the whole thing. It’s not new. Adam blamed his wife, Eve, for disobeying God and even blamed God for giving him his wife. Eve in turn blamed the snake. Round and round it goes we play the blame game, skirting the real issue, dodging the real problem, giving non answers and non apologies.
We will do almost anything except simply admit that we have sinned against God and others. We don’t even like saying the word “sin” anymore. Instead we say words like mistake, an error in judgement, a failure, a bad decision. You know, I thought I was wrong once but I was just mistaken! We will get nowhere with God or anyone else until we are willing to admit our sin.
The first step takes a great deal of humility. If you ever want to go any further you must take the first step. It’s always the hardest.
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