We usually have a hard time when it comes to being guilty. We have so many reasons why that simply is not true. We had good intentions. We never meant to harm anyone. It was a joke! I didn’t think it would come to this. And of course the all time favorite, they made me do it. We play the blame game and we’re good at it. We just don’t want to face the truth that we are in fact guilty.

    With guilt comes it’s equally disliked partner, shame. No one will ever look at me the same. Will my friends leave me? Will my family turn their backs on me? What will become of me? They now all know what a horrible human being I am. So the guilt and the shame pile on until we can’t take it anymore. Who can we turn to? Who can deliver us from our guilt and shame? Will I have to bear this weight all alone? Sin is the root cause of guilt and shame.

    Here’s the crazy thing about sin. If we will go ahead and admit that we are indeed guilty without making any excuses and take full blame for our actions we are on the road to breaking sin’s power over us. One of the superpowers of sin is it thrives in the dark. As long as it’s hidden it will continue to gain strength. To begin to break it’s power over our lives we must bring it to light. When we tell someone sin starts to grow weaker.

    When we confess it to God and to an accountability partner sin grows even more feeble. Light, exposure is its kryptonite! Sin cannot survive long once it has been exposed. The fastest way to get rid of the guilt and shame is to admit that we are indeed guilty. When we turn to God he forgives us and then sets aside our guilt. Depending on our sin we may still have to make restitution to those we’ve injured.

    Just one reason to avoid sin in the first place. Another is to avoid the guilt and the shame. It’s too heavy a burden. The temporary pleasure of sin is not ever worth the price that has to be paid. Thank God for his mercies are new every morning!


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