It’s not a new thing that the word LOVE has been given a different definition than what God’s Word says. In our current culture it is often used as a blanket cover for every conceivable act even when those actions clearly go against biblical principles. Love is not a license to do as one pleases. Nor do we need to accept condemnation from anyone who tells us we are unloving simply because we do not condone their immoral behavior.
Many parents love their children even when those same children are addicted, rebellious, even criminal. Loving the person but hating their self-destructive actions is consistent with love. Our hearts ache to see our children live good, clean, healthy, productive lives. We can love them through those difficulties much as God does us.
That does not mean we approve of sinful actions but rather that in spite of those actions love always stand ready to embrace, forgive, and restore. There is no need to redefine love according to present day cancel culture. God defined love once and for all time. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
True love reveals itself in selfless giving. True love produces life wherever it is sown. True love brings healing and restoration. True love is incapable of doing wrong to another. No new definition is needed.
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