In the flesh.

 Lord of the Rings is probably one of my all time favorite series of movies ever! It’s absolutely spectacular in the scenery, the characters, the battles scenes, the struggle between light and dark forces. We watch them several times each year. So many great quotes too!

This story line was written many years ago and became classics. The work that had to be done to bring the stories to life from book to movies was a tremendous undertaking. The film had to be true to the books at least in being able to convey the truths without losing any of its power. 

In today’s verse we see that the “Word became flesh and lived among us.” We had for millennia the written Word of God in an assortment of scrolls. Our bibles are a collection of books written over a span of 1400 years by over 40 different authors from every walk of life. Farmers and kings, prophets and priests, princes and fishermen, and more all penned at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit some of the most beautiful works of literature ever written.

One event however topped them all! The Son of God came down in the flesh and lived, worked, played, prayed, laughed, cried, died and rose from the dead. In doing so he brought the written words of God to life! He is the living Word of God. No more guessing, no more imagining, no more doubt or confusion about what God was like.

Jesus showed us. He was full of grace and mercy, love and truth, acceptance and forgiveness. He was kind and gentle. He had a sense of humor and liked to laugh. He loved healing sick people. He loved children and would bless them. He despised religious hypocrites. He didn’t back down from his critics or change his position according to the whim of the people. Steadfast and sure in his convictions. 

If you want to know what God is really like simply read the New Testament and see Jesus.


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