Stay connected.
Technology is so amazing these days. Our smartphones now contain more power than desktop computers of only a few years ago. The speed at which we can now stay connected is spellbinding. Social media, facetime, emails, texting and don’t forget actual phone calls have made it easier than ever to connect with others. The crazy thing is that while we can instantly connect with someone on the other side of the globe we still have trouble connecting to the person in the same room.
We’ve all seen the couples at a fancy restaurant both looking at their smartphones instead of talking to each other. What they are saying is that what is on their social media is more important and more entertaining than connecting with the person sitting across from them. Not a good message at all. Truth is that connecting with others in person takes a lot of hard work. It’s easier to interact online!
Today’s verse talks about staying connected to Jesus in order to produce good fruit in our lives. The truth is that it will take an effort on our part especially since we can’t just friend him on social media and like his comments and posts at our leisure. He wants a deep personal connection with us and that means reading his word. It means living a life of prayer, real prayer. It means a lifestyle of worship. It means serving others with joy and humility. It means giving sacrificially and joyfully to those in need. It means honoring him with our tithes. It means going to church regularly and connecting with his bride, the church.
It would be so much easier to follow him on Instagram or maybe on Parler. That kind of following at a distance will not produce the rich fruit he desires to see in our lives. No amount of technology can substitute for spending time with Jesus. Not sure what that means? Get to church and let’s learn together how to stay connected to Jesus. You were never meant to do life all by yourself no matter how independent you think you are. We need each other. Together we will bear fruit, much fruit, and fruit that will remain.
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