Fully alive!

Transient, fleeting, temporary, a wisp of smoke, are all ways to describe this amazing life we live. We only pass this way once. It is the very fact that we get one life to live that makes this life so precious and something to be cherished. Death is a stark reminder that it all comes to an end. It also reminds us to live our life to the fullest. Go ahead and dance in the rain. Take that chance on starting your own business. Move to another city, country, region, and explore this amazing breathtaking planet of ours. Learn a new language. Try a new skill. Quit your job and attempt something more satisfying. Stop worrying about what others may think of you and take the plunge.

A wise man once told me that if you ever think you are irreplaceable just remember that at your funeral people will be wondering what’s for lunch. You and I will only be a memory if at all. So live now. Travel to far off places! Try an exotic dish. Swim with the sharks, go skydiving, try snorkeling, and quit wasting another day. Live today, now, to the fullest even in the smallest ways.

Now here’s the good news. There is one thing that will always remain. God’s word is sure and eternal. When I build my life on his word then even the tiniest details can bring us great joy and contentment. With his strength I can forgive others instead of wasting another day living in bitterness. By living his way I can find joy in the most difficult circumstances. I want to make today count. When I have Jesus by my side, walking with me in this impermanent life, then I know everyday will matter. One last piece of advice is to share your life with the ones you love because that is what life is for. Share life, share Jesus, don’t wait because life is fading fast.


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