One of my favorite games growing up was cops and robbers. We would split up into two groups, each side would pick up a stick as an imaginary weapon and the chase was on! We imagined all sorts of situations that required us chasing each other around. Then we would switch sides and play all over again. We would play for hours and didn’t even notice the time. It wasn’t until we heard our moms call for us to come in for supper that we knew the day and our battles were over.
When you know who your enemies are it’s easy to go to battle against them. They are much easier targets when you know which team they are on. Then we grow up and reality hits us squarely in the face. Sometimes the ones you thought were on your side end up being the bad guys! Life can be so complicated. In the spiritual world we come to understand that there is another more sinister power at work behind the scenes. These evil rulers seek our ultimate ruin and destruction. Hard to fight an enemy we can’t see no matter how powerful our weapons. For this spiritual fight we need spiritual weapons.
Here’s the good news! We have been given powerful weapons in the spiritual arena that are able to demolish strongholds, break asunder the chains that bind us, tear down walls that impede our progress and will ultimately bring us overwhelming victory! As long as we have breath we will continue to win these battles one after another until we hear our Lord calling us to come home because the day is done and the battle is over. The war has been won!
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