Probably most of us suffered some bullying in our younger years in school. It seems to be a natural part of growing up. One thing about bullies is that you’ll find out pretty quick who you’re true friends are. They are the ones who stick up for you and are ready to defend you in words or by deeds. As adults it doesn’t change. There are now adult bullies whose goal in life seems to be to go and push people around in some sad effort to make themselves feel better. There are also adults who stand ready to come to your defense. Here’s a bit of personal insight. I am much less angry at people who verbally attack me or my character than I am about not having someone stand up in my defense.
You see I already know I’m not perfect but my motives are always good. So when somebody tries character assassination I can calmly shrug it off but then later I think about who defended me and who didn’t. It’s the ones who know me but didn’t bother to say anything in my defense that hurts more deeply. Having said that, it is now my goal in life to be the one who stands up for others because I know how much it means for someone to have a loyal friend to speak up for them especially when they are down. A loyal friend will stand by you through thick or thin, come hell or high water. A true friend loves at all times. Be that friend to somebody today.
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