There are some among us and they know who they are whose super power is giving. When you get a gift from these special people it is always exactly what you wanted. You wonder how they knew. Did they ask around to find out what I would like? Did they stalk my social media account? These special people with super hearing listen closely for clues during conversations. They make a mental note of the things we enjoy and like. When they are out shopping they come across something and think to themselves, “Wow! This would be perfect for so and so!”
It is truly a special gift to be able to do this for others. The key is always about relationships. They just know us well. In the same way our Heavenly Father knows us and he knows exactly what we need and when we will need it. He listens closely and hears us when we pray. He knows what will bring us pure joy. He already knows but he is more interested in being in conversation with us. This conversation is what we call prayer. We talk to God and he talks to us. It’s a beautiful thing. Thank God for those special people who know us intimately. Thank God he is always willing to hear us with great joy.
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