One thing most new workers dislike is the company training manual. We don’t really want to know the company’s motto, philosophy of business, or other such nonsense. We want to know when is payday. How many paid holidays do we get. Will we get sick leave, paid vacation, etc. How do I get a bonus? Do I get an automatic raise after so many months on the job?

    However, if you’re the employer your questions are completely different. Can they do the job they were hired for? Will they do just enough to get by or will they excel at their job. Will I be sorry I hired them or be wonderfully surprised! Enter the Word of God, the Bible. It is our training manual for daily living. It’s our life coach. To shun it will work to our own ruin.

    To love and embrace it wholeheartedly will lead us down a path of a full and satisfying life. Some the most beautiful words ever penned are to be found in its pages. Its words will correct us, rebuke us, instruct us, comfort us, encourage us, and so much more. It is a living breathing love letter that calls us to read it again and again always discovering new and deeper truths.

    If I embrace this training manual and make it part of my daily routine I can assure you that the benefits and paydays come regularly and the bonus is out of this world!


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