Kids cry for the silliest reasons. I remember a toddler who saw the full moon out his window and thought it was a ball so he asked to play with it. Of course his mom explained that it was the moon and she couldn’t give it to him even if she wanted to. This set him to cry and cry “but I want it!” How often have we looked up at the stars and wished we could just reach up and touch them.

    As we grow older and hopefully much wiser we realize that there will always be certain things that we will never attain. One of those unattainable things is perfection. It’s just not in our nature to ever be perfect. Oh, we can be good to a certain extent but never perfect. It’s as far out of our reach as the nearest star. Here’s some good news. God never asks us to be perfect but rather to be holy.

    What’s the difference? Perfection is not within our reach but holiness is. Holiness does not equal being perfect but it is a condition of the heart that aches to be and do the right thing. When we look around us and see so much pain and suffering and we decide to do whatever we can no matter how big or how small to help alleviate suffering we are acting like our Heavenly Father. It is when we realize that we ourselves fall far short of being holy that we are actually starting out on a new road towards holiness.

    Our imperfections actually highlight that there is another power at work within us. It is by God’s amazing grace that we are made right (holy) with God. When we put our complete trust in Jesus Christ by faith we begin a new life of discipleship. Through his grace and by faith we can reach the unreachable star. Once man walked on the lifeless barren moon all they could do was look back at that big beautiful blue marble teeming with so much life.

    It’s weird how sometimes the thing we reach out for is less than what we already have well within our grasp.


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