I am a task oriented individual who loves check lists. There is a certain satisfaction that comes when checking off something from the to do list. In fact I have a work list, a church list, and a home list. I love getting things done because it makes me feel productive. Almost as if I have earned my right to exist that day if I have accomplished many tasks. So it’s understandable that I had to learn how to rest.

    It just didn’t come naturally. The invitation from Jesus is so welcome even if not completely understood. He invites us to learn from him and to find rest. Physical, mental, and spiritual rest is a much needed gift today. Life has a way of wearing us down. It is demanding and often draining on all our energies. Resting in Jesus must be learned.

    We rest in his finished work in the cross. We don’t have to prove our value by accomplishing any tasks. He already demonstrated how much he loved us by going to the cross. He demonstrated our value when he resurrected from the dead. He gives us his life so we can take off the burdens we carry and find true rest in him.

    Whatever burden you carry today he invites you to lay it down and find rest. No check list needed!


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