God is at work within us even though he may be unseen and there may appear to be no evidence. He works behind the scenes like a mighty surging underground river teeming with life waiting to burst forth on the surface at just the right time and place. Let him course through your life unhindered, unfettered, and get ready for a powerful breakout of his power and presence right when you need him most. Let him surprise you today as only he can for he is more than able to do above and beyond what you could ever ask or think because that is the kind of God he is. The Lord of the impossible!
Showing posts from July, 2020
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What an amazing thought that God dwells within us! When he poured out His Spirit he made it available for anyone who would ask to be filled. He comes in with an indescribable peace and fullness. He brings a joy that words fail us to describe or contain! He fills the deepest longings of our souls. He is himself The Comforter and the lover of our souls. He gently leads and guides us closer to him and away from distractions. We sense his nearness and his loving embrace of acceptance and forgiveness. He makes his home within us. We have become the dwelling place of God! What a thought! What a life! Oh, what a Savior!
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No one wants to be in a situation where we need God to show up in a big way but the reality is that for some it is often. When suffering comes we all want a quick resolution! We want a miracle. We want answers. We want relief, but something is happening in that furnace of affliction that cannot happen anywhere else. Our character is being formed. No suffering, no character. In those dark, lonely, painful places, we see ourselves, our weaknesses, our character flaws, more clearly than ever. When you hold on tight to God you also discover that he is a God who reveals himself more clearly in the furnace of affliction. He has a habit of showing up and walking with his people in fiery furnaces! Hurting? You are not alone. He is with you. Allow his embrace to melt away all your fears. His grace is more than enough to see you through.
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Our hearts are the center of who we truly are. The starting point, home base, our central processing unit, of all our passions. Those things we most care about, we most think about, we most talk about, we most dream about all flow from within. All of that is shaped and molded by what we allow to enter our hearts. Our outward life is usually just a picture, a snapshot, of what matters most to us. Jesus said that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. To change the overflow you must first change what your heart is filling up on. What you consume on a daily basis, movies you watch, music and lyrics you listen to, books you read, social media you follow, like, share, all combined fills you up and when trouble bumps into you it will all come streaming out, for good or ill. Want a life-giving river flowing out of you in the tough times? Start filling your heart daily with life giving things. Guard your heart like the most...
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Darkness is scary because our minds tell us that there is evil lurking there. We live in a time when we can actually see darkness descending upon our nation and it is frightening. But there is a light that darkness can never extinguish. Darkness is completely powerless against it. In fact the darker it becomes the brighter the light shines. The love of God shines in the darkest places through his children, the church. We, as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are children of light! We need not fear the dark when we are the light of the world. Darkness can never overcome, extinguish, or diminish the light. Even a tiny flame can light up a dark room. Be the light today to someone stumbling in dark places.
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Unlimited renewable energy source. We can go to the Lord over and over again to receive his strength when we are tired, stressed out, and our energy is depleted. My wonderful earthly father told me once, “Don’t let anything beat you!” Unfortunately in this life we all face giants much bigger and stronger than ourselves but the good news is that I don’t have to rely on my own strength. I can freely ask my Heavenly Father and he will respond by giving me an infusion of his own strength and power. Next time I feel I’m being overwhelmed by a stronger enemy I need not fear because the one who lives inside of me is bigger and stronger and he lovingly makes his strength my own. Wow! What a comforting thought! Unlimited renewable energy source!
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The Lord is for you. He is a good, good father. He has unconditional love for you. He weeps when you weep and rejoices when you rejoice. The thought that my Heavenly Father loves me, and likes me is almost too much to grasp. He wants to be an active part of my daily life to guide me, direct my steps, and lead me to a life that is full. He cares for me and my family with tenderness and compassion. He provides over and over. He even surprises us with unexpected gifts and blessings! What a wonderful father indeed! Our Father who is in heaven....